My Top 5...Book Covers
No preamble this time - just enjoy!

Steve Crisp is my favourite cover artist. His paintings are deeply atmospheric, simple in design, but beautifully detailed. Blood Games is my favourite for a few reasons: 1/ I love horror stories and movies set in the wilderness, and this cover evokes all those backwoods movies such as Friday the 13th and Deliverance. And 2/ Blood Games was the book that made me want to read Laymon all those years ago. The synopsis, along with the great cover art sold me that Laymon is my kind of writer.

I know what you're ASSuming - but there's more to love in this Vince Natale cover than the sexy, sensual, billowing curtains...captures the feel of Laymon's wonderful noirish horror/thriller in all its L.A. glory - seedy, sexy, dirty, fast, hot. Yeah, gotta love those curtains...

(This isn't the edition I wanted, but I couldn't find the one I wanted on the web). This terrified me when I was a youngster. My dad had an old '75 Pan paperback and I used to take the book off the book shelf and just stare at the vision of the massive shark roaring up through the water, about to enjoy a bit of afternoon tea. When I finally got old enough to read it (Jaws was one of the first adult books I ever read) I found that the story was just as scary and exciting as the cover - which is the ultimate in primal terror.

Like Jaws, this cover scared the shit outta me when I was young (hell, it still gives me the creeps). Takes the "There's something hiding under the bed" of every kid's nightmares and amps it up. "Hi, Georgie..." *Shudder*

Another Steve Crisp gem. The small picture doesn't do the incredible detail justice. Like all his paintings, it's moody and evokes all sorts of B-grade horror movies from the past (Texas Chainsaw Massacre on water anyone?). Brilliant stuff.

Ok, so I broke the top 5 rule - but this is honestly one of my favourite covers. Keith Minnion captured the Friday the 13th-esque/b-grade slasher mood of my novel perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better cover: Thanks Keith!

Steve Crisp is my favourite cover artist. His paintings are deeply atmospheric, simple in design, but beautifully detailed. Blood Games is my favourite for a few reasons: 1/ I love horror stories and movies set in the wilderness, and this cover evokes all those backwoods movies such as Friday the 13th and Deliverance. And 2/ Blood Games was the book that made me want to read Laymon all those years ago. The synopsis, along with the great cover art sold me that Laymon is my kind of writer.

I know what you're ASSuming - but there's more to love in this Vince Natale cover than the sexy, sensual, billowing curtains...captures the feel of Laymon's wonderful noirish horror/thriller in all its L.A. glory - seedy, sexy, dirty, fast, hot. Yeah, gotta love those curtains...

(This isn't the edition I wanted, but I couldn't find the one I wanted on the web). This terrified me when I was a youngster. My dad had an old '75 Pan paperback and I used to take the book off the book shelf and just stare at the vision of the massive shark roaring up through the water, about to enjoy a bit of afternoon tea. When I finally got old enough to read it (Jaws was one of the first adult books I ever read) I found that the story was just as scary and exciting as the cover - which is the ultimate in primal terror.

Like Jaws, this cover scared the shit outta me when I was young (hell, it still gives me the creeps). Takes the "There's something hiding under the bed" of every kid's nightmares and amps it up. "Hi, Georgie..." *Shudder*

Another Steve Crisp gem. The small picture doesn't do the incredible detail justice. Like all his paintings, it's moody and evokes all sorts of B-grade horror movies from the past (Texas Chainsaw Massacre on water anyone?). Brilliant stuff.

Ok, so I broke the top 5 rule - but this is honestly one of my favourite covers. Keith Minnion captured the Friday the 13th-esque/b-grade slasher mood of my novel perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better cover: Thanks Keith!
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