Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's Done!

In case you've been wondering where I've been these past six months (and I know your lives have been empty without my sporadic blog posts), I've been working hard at finishing my new novel.

Well, it's finally finished. Coming in at around 148,000 words, the new novel, titled
"The Awakening" is my coming-of-age story. Well, a very dark coming-of-age story, mixed with Haitian voodoo. This is the novel I first started waaaaaay back in 2001, after completing "The Last Motel", but stopped writing after about a year when it grew too large in scope for me to handle at the time.

It's a weird feeling. Finishing any story (especially a novel) always feels strange to me - more so in this case. I've lived with these characters, in the small town I created, for seven years. Even when I wasn't working on the story, they were still with me in the background, lurking. But, as of yesterday, they are no longer mine. I've sent the manuscript out into the big bad world, and we'll see what happens.

I'll keep you posted on the progress of "The Awakening". Until next time...